Source code for

from typing import Optional, Tuple

from import GameParameter
from mastermind.players import (

[docs] class PlayerLogic: """ Manages the logic for the players in the Mastermind game. Args: game (GameState): The state of the game. """ def __init__(self, game_state: GameParameter) -> None: self.game_state = game_state @property def GAME_MODE(self) -> str: return self.game_state.GAME_MODE
[docs] def initialize_players(self) -> None: """ Initializes the players based on the game mode. """ game_mode_mapping = { "HvH": (HumanCodeCracker, HumanCodeSetter), "HvAI": (HumanCodeCracker, AICodeSetter), "AIvH": (AICodeCracker, HumanCodeSetter), "AIvAI": (AICodeCracker, ExternalCodeSetter), } if self.GAME_MODE in game_mode_mapping: self.PLAYER_CRACKER, self.PLAYER_SETTER = ( cls(self) for cls in game_mode_mapping[self.GAME_MODE] )
[docs] def process_player_guessing(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Processes the player's guessing logic. Returns: Optional[str]: A command from the player, if any. """ while self.game_state.win_status is None: guess = self.PLAYER_CRACKER.obtain_guess() # Process commands if guess in {"q", "d"}: # quit or discard return guess if guess == "u": # undo self._undo_logic() continue if guess == "r": # redo self._redo_logic() continue feedback = self.PLAYER_SETTER.get_feedback(guess) # Process command if feedback in {"q", "d"}: # quit or discard return feedback if feedback == "u": # undo continue # since guess haven't been submitted, skip = undo print(f"Feedback: {feedback}") self.submit_guess(guess, feedback) self.game_state.check_and_update_win_status()
def _undo_logic(self) -> None: """ Handles the undo logic. """ self.PLAYER_CRACKER.undo() self.PLAYER_SETTER.undo() self.game_state._board.remove_last() def _redo_logic(self) -> None: """ Handles the redo logic. """ guess = self.PLAYER_CRACKER.redo() feedback = self.PLAYER_SETTER.redo() self.submit_guess(guess, feedback)
[docs] def submit_guess(self, guess: Tuple[int, ...], feedback: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None: """ Submits a guess and its corresponding feedback to the game board. Args: guess (Tuple[int, ...]): The guess to be submitted. feedback (Tuple[int, ...]): The feedback for the guess. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the game has ended. """ if self.game_state.win_status is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot make guess after game has ended.") self.PLAYER_CRACKER.clear_undo() self.PLAYER_SETTER.clear_undo() self.game_state._board.add_guess(guess, feedback)