Source code for mastermind.players.external_player

from typing import Union

from mastermind.players.abstract_player import CodeSetter
from mastermind.validation import (

[docs] class ExternalCodeSetter(CodeSetter):
[docs] def set_secret_code(self) -> None: pass # There is no code available for external game, skip it
[docs] def get_feedback(self, guess: tuple) -> Union[tuple, str]: valid_feedback = ValidFeedback(number_of_dots=self.game_state.number_of_dots) while True: feedback = input("Enter the feedback: ") if feedback == "?": hint = f""" Enter a 2 digit number (optionally separated by comma) between 0 and {self.game_state.number_of_dots}. The first digit represents the number of black pegs, the second represents the number of white pegs. For example: 01 or 0,1 -> (0, 1) -> 0 black pegs, 1 white peg. Or, you can enter a command: (?) for help (d) to discard the game (q) to save and quit (u) to undo """ print(hint) continue if feedback == "d": print("Game discarded.") return "d" if feedback == "q": # quit print("Game saved.") return "q" if feedback == "u": # undo return "u" try: valid_feedback.value = valid_feedback.validate_value(feedback) return valid_feedback.value except (TypeValidationError, InputConversionError) as e: print(e) print("To get more help, enter '?'") except RangeError: print( f"Feedback must consist of 2 integer in range [0, {self.game_state.number_of_dots})" ) print("To get more help, enter '?'")