Source code for

import os
import pickle
from typing import Any

[docs] def read_pickled_data(filepath: str) -> Any: """Read pickled data from a file and return it. Args: filepath (str): The path to the file to read from. Returns: Any: The pickled data being read, or None if the file does not exist. """ ensure_parent_directory_exists(filepath) try: with open(filepath, "rb") as file: return pickle.load(file) except FileNotFoundError: return None
[docs] def ensure_parent_directory_exists(filepath: str) -> None: """Create the parent directory of a file if it doesn't exist. Args: filepath (str): The path to the file. """ if directory := os.path.dirname(filepath): os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) else: raise ValueError("filepath must include a directory component")
[docs] def write_pickled_data(filepath: str, data: dict) -> None: """Write pickled data to a file. Args: filepath (str): The path to the file to write to. data (dict): The data to be pickled and written to the file. """ ensure_parent_directory_exists(filepath) with open(filepath, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(data, file)
[docs] def delete_pickled_data(filepath: str) -> None: """Delete a pickled file. Args: filepath (str): The path to the file to delete. """ os.remove(filepath)