Source code for mastermind.utils.render_dataframe

[docs] def render_dataframe(df): """ Prints the Pandas DataFrame in a human-readable format. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be rendered. """ # Calculate widths col_widths = [_calculate_index_width(df)] + _calculate_column_widths(df) # Print header _print_row(_prepare_header(df), col_widths) # Print rows for index, row in df.iterrows(): _print_row([str(index)] + [str(row[col]) for col in df.columns], col_widths)
def _calculate_index_width(df): """ Calculates the width of the index column. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be analyzed. Returns: int: The width of the index column. """ return max( len(str( if else ""), df.index.astype(str).map(len).max(), ) def _calculate_column_widths(df): """ Calculates the width of each column in the DataFrame. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be analyzed. Returns: list: A list of column widths. """ return [ max(len(str(col)), df[col].astype(str).map(len).max()) for col in df.columns ] def _prepare_header(df): """ Prepares the header row for the DataFrame. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): The DataFrame to be analyzed. Returns: list: A list of header values. """ return [ or " "] + list(df.columns) def _print_row(values, widths): """ Prints a single row of the DataFrame. Args: values (list): A list of values to be printed in the row. widths (list): A list of column widths. """ print(" ".join(f"{values[i]:<{widths[i]}}" for i in range(len(values))))